Fender Cyber Deluxe Amplifier Review ((INSTALL))
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Fender Cyber Deluxe Amplifier Review: A Versatile and Powerful Amp for Any Style
If you are looking for an amp that can deliver a wide range of tones and effects, from classic Fender sounds to modern high-gain distortion, you might want to check out the Fender Cyber Deluxe Amplifier. This amp is part of the Cyber series, which uses digital signal processing (DSP) and analog circuitry to emulate different types of amps and effects. The Cyber Deluxe has 65 watts of power and a 12-inch Celestion speaker, making it loud enough for gigs and rehearsals. It also has 64 presets, 16 reverbs, 16 modulation effects, 16 delay types, a noise gate, a compressor, a tuner, and a MIDI interface. You can also expand the amp to stereo by plugging another amp into the Expander output. In this review, we will take a closer look at the features and performance of the Fender Cyber Deluxe Amplifier.
The Fender Cyber Deluxe Amplifier has a sleek black design with silver knobs and a blue LCD screen. The front panel has four sections: Input, Amp Collection, Effects, and Output. The Input section has a guitar input jack, a Gain knob, and a Volume knob. The Gain knob controls the amount of distortion in the signal, while the Volume knob controls the overall level of the amp. The Amp Collection section has four buttons: Amp Type, EQ Type, Cabinet Type, and Save. These buttons let you select and store different combinations of amp models, EQ settings, and speaker cabinets. The amp models include Tweed, Blackface, British, Modern, Acoustic Simulator, Jazz Combo, Metal Head, and Direct Out. The EQ settings include Vintage Tone Stack (VTS), Modern Active (MA), Parametric Mid (PM), and Acoustic Simulator (AS). The speaker cabinets include 1x8 Tweed Champ (1x8), 1x10 Tweed Deluxe (1x10), 1x12 Blackface Deluxe Reverb (1x12), 2x12 Blackface Twin Reverb (2x12), 4x10 Tweed Bassman (4x10), 4x12 British Stack (4x12), Direct Out (DI), and Acoustic Simulator (AS). You can also edit the EQ parameters using the Treble, Middle, Bass, and Presence knobs.
The Effects section has four buttons: Modulation Type, Delay Type, Reverb Type, and FX Level. These buttons let you select and adjust different types of modulation effects, delay effects, reverb effects, and their overall level in the signal. The modulation effects include Chorus (CHO), Flanger (FLA), Phaser (PHA), Tremolo (TRE), Vibratone (VIB), Touch Wah (WAH), Auto Wah (AWH), Ring Modulator (RNG), Pitch Shifter (PIT), Octaver (OCT), Envelope Filter (ENV), Step Filter (STP), Slicer (SLI), Panner (PAN), Rotary Speaker (ROT), and Bypass (BYP). The delay effects include Analog Delay (ANA), Tape Echo (TAP), Ping Pong Delay (PNG), Reverse Delay (REV), Multi Tap Delay (MUL), Modulated Delay (MOD), Filtered Delay (FIL), Looper (LOP), Ducking Delay (DUC), Bypass (BYP). The reverb effects include Room Reverb (ROO), Hall Reverb (HAL), Plate Reverb
(PLA), Spring Reverb (SPR), Gated Reverb
(GAT), Reverse Reverb
(REV), Modulated Reverb
(MOD), Bypass
(BYP). You can also edit the effect parameters using the Time/Rate/Speed knob,
Feedback/Depth/Intensity knob,
and Tone/Shape/Width knob.
The Output section has four buttons: Expander Level,
Expander Output,
and Master Volume.
The Expander Level knob controls the volume of the second amp when using the Expander Output jack.
The Expander Output jack lets you connect another amp to create a stereo setup with stereo effects.
The Tuner button activates the built-in tuner that displays the note name and tuning accuracy on the LCD screen.
The Master Volume knob controls the overall volume of the amp.
The back panel of ec8f644aee
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